GS Testimonial Slider is a WordPress Testimonial Plugin which create custom post type to add client’s testimonials / recommendations to display anywhere of your site using shortcode.
GS Testimonial plugin is simple but flexible & powerful.
Plugin Features
- Testimonial Shortcode Ready
- Responsive Testimonial slider.
- Very light weight.
- Custom post type for Testimonial posting.
- No need any settings.
- Work with all WordPress theme.
- Easy to use.
- Developer friendly & easy to customize.
- Powered by Cycle2.
- Displaying Author Image with each Testimonial
- Its easy to use interface allows you to manage, edit, create, and delete Testimonials with no new knowledge
Normally Testimonials will show by descending order, latest will show first. But if you wish to display ascending order, oldest at first then pass order=”ASC” parameter to shortcode like [gs_testimonial order=”ASC”]
- Install GS Testimonial as a regular WordPress plugin
- Activate the plugin.
- Testimonial Post Type will show below Posts
- Add few Testimonials.
- Put [gs_testimonial] shortcode, where you need to show the testimonial slider.
Check Visual Installation Guide
How do I add new Testimonial?
Testimonial post type will show below POSTS. To add new testimonial, go to Testimonial > Add New, then add Testimonial Author name at Title, Full testimonial at Editor, Author Image, Company Name & Designation at respective fields and Finally Publish.
What will be the Author image dimension?
Better to add square size image. Default image size set to 86px X 86px.
How to use shortcode inside page templates?
WordPress has a great function, do_shortcode(), that will allow you to use shortcodes inside your theme files. For example, to output Testimonials in a Theme file, you would do this: <?php echo do_shortcode(‘[gs_testimonial]’); ?>
Available only at PRO version
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